Food Scrap Management


At Vermont Compost Company, food scraps and food residuals are a highly valuable resource that we rescue and respect. Since 1998, we have been diverting food scraps from the landfill to feed to our chickens and blend with other materials to make our compost and compost-based potting soils.

When food scraps arrive on our site they are blended with cow and equine manures, as well as other farm and forest resources. This blend of materials is then provided as forage for our flock of laying hens. As our chickens sort through the recovered food scraps and other ingredients, they help shape the beginning of our composting process.  They further enhance the value of the rescued food resource with the manure they leave behind, and convert what they eat into delicious and nutritious eggs.

Vermont Compost Company is committed to keeping food scrap supplies free of plastic and other contaminants as we manage these materials in a manner that maximizes their value, returning nutrients and organic matter to regional agricultural lands, further enhancing soil health and productivity in a sustainable fashion.

“To waste is a verb, that becomes a noun (as in food waste). It is a choice made by people that disrespects a resource.” - Karl Hammer

Click Here for More Information about our Commercial Food Scrap Collection

Click Here for More Information about our Household Food Scrap Drop-Off